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Monday, March 3

Doctors Consider Informal Payments Normal

Many patients are dissatisfied with the health services they receive, but prepared to pay doctors extra for quality care. Doctors, in turn, consider it normal to receive cash or gifts from grateful patients. However, the line can be very thin between gratitude and extortion, according to a study by Alla Chirikova, Senior Research Fellow of the RAS Institute of Sociology, and Sergei Shishkin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE's Institute for Health Economics, published in the Universe of Russia journal.


was the average share of profit in the earnings of companies producing knowledge-based services in 2013.

New Medicine Will Help the Public and the Economy

Russia will better be able to treat cancer, tuberculosis, HIV, strokes and heart attacks if it develops its own success stories in several medical fields of the future. Firstly, it is necessary to improve regenerative medicine, biomedicine, genomic research, the production of medicines that target specific health problems, and molecular diagnostics. It will otherwise be difficult to increase the life expectancy in the country and strengthen Russia’s position on the world market for medical technologies, Alexander Chulok says in an article published in HSE’s journal Foresight, 7(3), for 2013.

Immigrants in Moscow Stick to Their Community

Immigrants from Central Asia are only partially integrated into life in Moscow and are not using many of the city’s resources and opportunities. Their way of life and living standards differ drastically from those Russians who live and work in the Russian capital. Immigrants from former Soviet republics work on weekdays and do household chores or socialise among themselves on weekends, and thus have difficulty adjusting to life in a big city, according to a study by Ekaterina Demintseva and Vera Peshkova published in the HSE's Demoscope Weekly.

HSE and Other Global Experts Discuss ‘Regional Heterogeneity and Incentives for Governance’

On May 29-31, 2014 the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID, HSE) will hold an international conference on ‘Regional Heterogeneity and Incentives for Governance’ in Pushkin, St. Petersburg. The conference will begin with the EACES-HSE workshop ‘Political Economy of Development: A Comparative Perspective’.

Your Chance to Pick the Brains of International Academic Journal Chief Editors at HSE Conference Session

On the 28th May at the ‘Analytical communities in policy advisory systems at global and local level: comparative analysis of policy impact’ international conference there will be a special ‘journals’ session. The editors of four major international journals on public policy will explain how they select articles for publication and give advice on how to present your work to improve the chances of getting it published in a good journal.

Expats Can Help the Russian Economy

The number of foreign specialists working in Russia has been declining rapidly over the last several years. These specialists often perceive Russian capitalism as something temporary that depends on oil prices. Under such conditions, expats are not likely able to make a serious contribution to the modernization of the Russian economy, but their view of local realities is nonetheless valuable for understanding the processes that hinder economic development, researchers from HSE’s Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development Vladimir Karacharovskiy, Ovsey Shkaratan and Gordey Yastrebov concluded from a research study.

‘Russia and England: Oncoming Traffic. Economics, Politics, Culture’

As part of the UK-Russia Year of Culture, HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus held the international conference ‘Russia and England: Oncoming Traffic. Economics, Politics, Culture’.

The Quiet and Velvet Revolutions ― Links between Religion, Politics, and Collective Memory during Political Transformation

Geneviève Zubrzycki, a U.S.-based scholar of nationalism, religion and collective memory, will deliver a lecture on ‘Quiet and Velvet Revolutions: The Impact of Political Transformations on Nationalism, Religion and Secularism in Quebec and Poland’ as part of the second methodological seminar of the Centre for Youth Studies (St. Petersburg).

HSE Sociologists Present on Life Trajectories of Russian Pupils at Yale Conference

A group of sociologists from the HSE presented the results of their academic work at the 10th conference of Yale University’s Center for Cultural Sociology. A special panel session of the conference was devoted entirely to the research being carried out by HSE’s Institute of Education on the life trajectories of Russian pupils.