Faculty of Computer Science to Become First HSE Department with Own Endowment
On April 26, the HSE Academic Council approved a charter for the creation of a Board of Trustees at the Faculty of Computer Science. Board members include senior executives from Yandex, JetBrains, SAS, 1C, and Sberbank. The endowment will be used by the faculty to fund long-term projects.
Ilya Segalovich Scholarships Awarded on the Fifth Anniversary of HSE’s Faculty of Computer Science
As part of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science fifth anniversary celebration at Mercury Moscow City Tower, Ilya Segalovich Scholarships were awarded.

HSE Faculty of Computer Science Team Wins Bronze at ICPC World Finals 2019
On April 4, 2019, the world finals of ICPC, an annual student team competition and the main event in competitive programming, took place.
HSE Gears up for Staff and Student Conference: A Look Back at the Faculty of Computer Science
On March 20, a conference for HSE staff and students will take place at HSE. It will consider the university’s development programme and elect the new Academic Council. The previous conference took place five years ago, in 2014, and the university has changed a lot since then. HSE News Service talked with some of the university leaders about how their own work at the University has changed over this period.

Data Science for Everyone: HSE on Coursera
Global online platform Coursera has launched the Data Science Academy project - a guide to the world of data science with a selection of the best online courses, specializations, and online master's programmes from world leading companies and universities. The English online course ‘Advanced Machine Learning’, developed by HSE in cooperation with Yandex is among the Academy's courses.

Two HSE Teams Confirmed as ICPC Finalists
On December 1st and 2nd, the semifinals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for teams from the Northern Eurasia region were held. HSE teams from St. Petersburg (8th place) and the Moscow-based Faculty of Computer Science (13th place) received first class certificates. Furthermore, the teams will represent HSE at the finals, which will be held in Portugal next year.
HSE MIEM Starts Joint Project with China
Professor Lev Shchur, Academic Supervisor of the master's programme in Supercomputer Simulations in Science and Engineering, and Professor Hai-Qing Lin, Director of Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) have signed a cooperation agreement for implementing a joint research project in computational physics and high performance computing.
Pham Cong Thang – Pursuing a Post-Doc in Computer Science
On September 12, Pham Cong Thang, who goes by Thang, arrived in Moscow to begin a post-doctoral fellowship at HSE’s International Laboratory of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods (Faculty of Computer Science, Big Data and Information Retrieval School). Working under the supervision of Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Thang will focus primarily on text and image processing, and computer vision.

Third Machine Learning Summer School Held in UK
On July 17-23 the Third Machine Learning summer school organized by Yandex School of Data Analysis, Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Imperial College London was held in Reading, UK. 60 students, doctoral students and researchers from 18 countries and 47 universities took part in the event.

HSE Students Win International Competition in Computer Security
Team HSE has taken second place at RuCTF - a leading information security competition. The championship was held in Ekaterinburg on April 14-17, 2017. RuCTF (‘Capture the Flag’) is an annual open all-Russian interuniversity competition and conference on information security. The event has been held annually since 2008.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025