Digital Transformation: How Technologies Transform the Economy and the Social Sphere
The dazzling evolution of digital technologies is changing the face of the economy and the social sphere. Some Russian sectors — such as the manufacturing industry and financial services — are well-aligned with the global trend, while some others are lagging behind, thereby creating risks for the country's economy. A team of HSE ISSEK researchers examined current approaches to measuring digital transformation and focused specifically on its uptake by a few key sectors of the Russian economy and services, benchmarking them against the global situation. The study findings were presented in the report 'Digital Transformation of Industries: Starting Conditions and Priorities' at the XXII April International Academic Conference co-organised by HSE University and Sberbank.
‘To Read Such Papers, International Scholars Will Likely Want to Learn Russian’
The results of the competition for the best academic and popular science papers in Russian by HSE staff members have been announced. This competition is a new one, organized by the university to celebrate the Year of Science and Technology. 257 applications were submitted, with 35 winners announced in the academic category and 30 in the popular science one. The winners were announced on Alexander Pushkin’s birthday. The organizers plan to make the competition annual, potentially opening it up for all Russian and international researchers writing papers and involved in science communication in Russian.
How People’s Behaviour Has Changed in Public Places during the Pandemic
The HSE Centre for Fundamental Sociology has recently held ‘Logica Socialis’, an open social theory seminar. Andrei Korbut, Senior Research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Fundamental Sociology, presented his report entitled ‘COVID-19 as an interactional phenomenon: People’s behaviour in public places during the pandemic’.
Regional Competitiveness Practices to Be Discussed at the TCI Global Conference 2021
On September 15-17, 2021, Kazan will host the 24th TCI Global Conference, one of the main international events in the field of regional competitiveness and cluster development. The conference will be held in cooperation with HSE University.
‘Today, Studies Visible to the World, and Not Only to Russia, Are Being Recognized’
After its impressive performance in the recent Shanghai Global Ranking, HSE University is now the highest-ranking Russian university in a number of subject rankings, as well as the only Russian university in five subjects, including Education. Isak Froumin , Head and Professor of the HSE Institute of Education, spoke with the News Service about the factors for HSE’s success.
First Simultaneous Observation of a Fast Radio Burst in Radio and Gamma Bands
A team of scientists from the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, HSE University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI) and NASA announced the first simultaneous observation of a fast radio burst from a galactic object and its 'equivalent' in the X-ray range. The source direction of the burst coincides with the position of the active magnetar SGR 1935+2154, and analysis of the signal in the two energy bands will improve our understanding of the nature of fast radio burst phenomena. The results are published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
HSE University Invites Scholars to Participate in the International Laboratories Competition
HSE University is accepting applications for the three-year project competition for the creation of international laboratories. The winners of the competition will receive annual funding of up to 13 million roubles to conduct research from 2022 to 2024.
Digitized Archives Are a Great Treasure
Digital archives and electronic versions of manuscripts are essential to the work of modern-day philologists, linguists, and literary scholars. The possibilities that digitization opens up to researchers were the focus of the second international conference of early career researchers of Russian literature. The conference had the theme of ‘Text as DATA: The Manuscript in the Digital Space’ and was hosted by the HSE Faculty of Humanities.
‘People Make All the Difference’
How does one go about studying happiness, joy, and optimism? What makes life good? What qualities help people to cope with the negative effects of the pandemic? Dmitry Leontiev, Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Head of the International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation, discusses these questions and more.
Total Transition to Online Learning Has Been a Time of Challenge and Innovation for Universities
The new issue of HERB magazine focuses on understanding what it has been like for universities during the pandemic. Article authors described the risks faced by students and teachers, the introduction of new learning formats, and remotely implemented projects. They also shared their initial thoughts on the development of the university environment in the post-pandemic period.