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Mar 3, 15:00
BIMSA-HSE Joint Seminar on Data Analytics and Topology. Speaker: Rongling Wu
Mar 4, 16:00

Timofey Mukhin and Michael Daniel to speak on 'From Space to Anaphora: There and Back Again'

Apr 15 – Apr 18
XXV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025 

Apr 15
Scientific Student Conference 'The Youth in Science: Challenges and Prospects'

Deadline for registration - February 03, 2025 


The Railway Will Help Solve Traffic Congestion

The only way to expand road networks in Russian cities is to make use of railroad corridors, declared Konstantin Trofimenko, Director of the HSE Centre for Urban Transportation Studies, addressing the first in the Infrastructure of the Future series of seminars.

To Learn What Emotions Are and What They Do

On September 25, 2013, the HSE International Laboratory for Socio-cultural Research will conduct its regular seminar ‘Culture Matters’. Marcel Zeelenberg, Head of Department of Social Psychology and Seger Breugelmans PhD, Professors of the Tilburg University (the Netherlands), will speak on ‘Emotion and Decision Making: A Feeling is for Doing Approach’. They gave a special interview for the HSE news service.

There is no Development without Internet

Peter Major,one of the world's leading experts in the field of ‘Governing the Internet’ comes to Moscow on September, 24th to spend a few days for sharing his experience and views with the HSE teachers and students. He will deliver a lecture ‘Internet as a Key Element of Development’, a seminar ‘Internet Governance’ with a consultation session and a seminar ‘International Structures of Internet Governance: forum on internet governance, forum on IT’ with a master class ‘Internet Governance Mechanisms’.

Contemporary Art Biennale in the HSE Courtyard

From September 24 to October 15, the HSE Faculty of Media Communications and School of Cultural Studies will host the Media Yard art project in their courtyard; the project is part of the 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Dante Forever

Nigel F. Palmer, Emeritus Professor of Medieval German, St Edmund Hall, Oxford will make a report 'Gospel Meditations in Late Medieval Europe: Three Voices from the Upper and Lower Rhine' at the HSE on September 24, 2013. The leading professor on medieval issues gave a special interview for the HSE news service.

Religion Affects the Way People Seek Employment

Religious beliefs affect the way people seek and choose jobs. Adepts of certain religions tend to rely on their skills, others on their good looks, while still others count on knowing the right people, suggests a study by Ekaterina Alexandrova and Elena Kalabina.

HSE Sociologists in Europe

The conference ESA 2013 – Crisis, Critique and Change took place in Turin, in Italy at the end of August 2013. It was organized jointly by the ESA and the Turin University Department of Culture, Politics and Society. Three papers from the Laboratory for Sociology Education and Science at HSE Saint Petersburg Campus were presented at the conference.

Presentation of a new report “Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective»

The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the HSE Saint Petersburg opened the 2013 Fall seminar series today. Andrey Shcherbak, senior research fellow at LCSR  presented a report on 'Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective'. He gave a short description of the major findings of his report to the HSE news service.

Energy Consumers and Suppliers Need to Work Together

The experts expect changes in the world energy market, and Russia and Japan can collaborate to develop a concept for energy security in the Asian region. Nobuo Tanaka, former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, recently delivered a lecture at the HSE.

HSE Professor becomes a Member of the International Academy of Education

Andrey Podolsky, HSE Professor of the Graduate School of Education, has become the first scientist in Eastern Europe to be inducted as a member of the International Academy of Education.